STANDARD DISCLAIMERS:  They ain't mine, and if their owner, Dick Wolf, knew what I was doing with `em, he'd probably have a coronary.  No profits made, etc., etc., so hopefully he won't sue me when he recovers. This takes place just at the end of the Season Five opening episode "Second Opinion" (in fact, the last scene of that episode is where this begins).  I don't follow the dates given on the show since they don't seem to be continuous between episodes, but I do try to follow the episode sequence. Send comments to  I love feedback of all kinds--even the "Ewww, that's gross!" kind. And just in case it hasn't already been made abundantly clear, this is *slash*.  So, we're talking M/M NC-17 here. If that's not your dish, turn back now!  Last warning...OK, here we go! ***************************************                               Moon Over Manhattan                               ================= God, he was tired. The Bennet case had been tougher than he'd expected, resulting in more than one all-nighter surrounded by penal code texts.  Add to that the fact that most of the now-departed Stone's workload had been dumped on him, and one could easily understand why it was an effort just to pick up his overstuffed bag from underneath the desk.  He gave the papers strewn about his desk a disgusted glare, then started trying to decide which ones absolutely had to come home with him. "McCoy?" He looked up from the papers that he was hapharzardly shoving into his already bulging canvas bag, and barely repressed a sigh.  Perfect.  Another round of  "I've heard about you" from his new assistant.  But, on closer inspection, he realized that the dark eyes were friendly...and what beautiful dark eyes they were.  Old habits kicked in, and his brain immediately catalogued the tall, willowy curves, the high supermodel cheekbones, and the huge, luminous eyes.  They really were lovely eyes, almond shaped and framed by heavy lashes-- almost as nice as.... He cut his wandering subconscious off with a jerk.  Picking up a stranger off the street had been risky.  Going back to the guy's apartment for a round of admittedly great but unprotected sex had been downright stupid. Having him walk into his office in a suit wearing a NYPD badge the next morning had been damn near catastrophic.  He was still making an effort not to think about it, nor about what he'd do the next time Dets. Logan and Briscoe came in for a briefing.  So far, they'd managed to avoid each other nicely.  He hadn't seen the man since that first disastrous morning, in which they'd both managed to hold a half hour's worth of conversation about their new case without ever making eye contact, with the partner watching them both worriedly.  Since then, only Briscoe had shown up for updates, cool and professional, as if nothing was wrong.  Yeah, right. "Jack?" "Hm?  Sorry, Claire.  It's been a long day." Kincaid sighed, her slight shoulders heaving below her tailored jacket. "Tell me about it." The dark eyes danced at him again as she smiled.  "You really nailed Dr. Huss.  I don't think her lawyer knew what hit her." He accepted the unexpected compliment with a grin.  Maybe, Kincaid was finally ready to stop dragging his past up into his face, and start working as a team.  She was as good as he'd hoped.  Much as he hated to admit it, Stone's track record was on par with his, and wouldn't have tolerated any less than excellence from his assistants.  "Fifteen years at Bedford. She'll be selling her fellow inmates a cold remedy made of bread and water." He grabbed his helmet and made his way towards the door, shoving some transcripts into his bag as he went. "She'll need it!"  Jack restrained a chuckle at the triumph he heard clearly in the  young lawyer's voice.  It seemed that he wasn't the only one around here who loved to win.  Maybe this could work out well, after all. "After the civil suits, she won't have anything left when she gets out." He took in her gleefull face a moment longer, knowing that his next words would probably wipe that bright smile away.  "I don't think there will be any civil suits." Claire blinked, staring at him in surprise.  "You don't think the widowers..?" Jack shrugged.  "The same thing that drew them to Huss will keep them off the stand." Claire mulled that over for a moment. "Fear?" "Denial." The dark eyes narrowed thoughtfully, and he could almost see the wheels turning below that shiny brown hair. When she met his gaze seconds later, he saw a trace of the old suspicion that had characterized their working relationship so far. "Speaking of which, I checked."  She smiled tightly, all trace of camaraderie gone. "On what?" he asked neutrally. The suspicion was back in full force, along with a healthy dose of accusation.  "You've only had 3 woman assistants." Jack returned her challenging glare cooly, keeping his own tongue in check with effort.  "You were the one who wanted to know the truth." `And, honey, the truth is that right now, getting between your legs is the last thing on my mind.'  He smiled wryly to himself as she stalked away without another glance back, back stiff with outrage at his supposed lecherousness.  He briefly wondered what she'd look like if he told her that all the time that she'd been assuming that he'd been undressing her in his dirty old mind, he'd actually been daydreaming about a very male detective in rain-soaked sweats, with gorgeous amber eyes and skin like satin.... He shook himself roughly with a muttered curse.  That was the second time in ten minutes that his brain had wandered off without permission.  It had been doing that to him on and off for days now, always ending up back in that shower stall.  Hell, he'd been sitting in Schiff's office last night when the cognac he was sipping suddenly reminded him of large, dark-lashed eyes of exactly that color--and the next thing he knew, he was unable to stand without embarrassing himself. `It's just lack of sleep.' He scolded himself as he stepped into an empty elevator, having refrained from riding down with the still-steaming Kincaid. `All I need is a stiff drink, and at least six hours of uninterrupted rest. That's all this is.' By the time that he hit the street, he'd managed to convince himself that he believed it. * * * "Jack?" "What?!" Claire jumped noticeably at his sharp tone.  "I...I just came to tell you that Jeff Bendel's lawyer called.  Says he wants to meet this afternoon.  I think your performance in Judge Gonzalez's chamber scared them."  She attempted a smile, but was met with an icy glare. "He should be scared.  Slick little bastard.  Why the hell didn't he call me yesterday?  And, where the hell is that damned affadavit from the Jackson case?" Kincaid sighed, walked past her superior, who was still angrily rifling papers on his desk, and picked up a slightly crumpled sheaf hanging precariously off the desk's side.  She handed it to him silently, and he snatched it from her without looking up.  She watched him a moment longer, waiting patiently until he looked up. "What now?  Don't you have anything to do this morning, *Miz* Kincaid?" Claire crossed her arms, more annoyed than offended.  "Yes, I do. Unfortunately, I'm still waiting for my boss to answer my question.  What about Bendel?  Do we meet?" Jack barely restrained himself, shaking himself slightly as his assistant's pissed-off expression finally sank in.  And just when they were finally beginning to click.  His head hurt, he'd woken three times last night in the midst of heated dreams involving showers and long, lean bodies--once in an embarassing wet spot, and his ex-wife had called him this morning to "discuss" the sale of their old house in Conneticut.  But, he knew he had no right to take his bitch of a morning out on Kincaid.  More importantly, he knew she'd make him pay for it later if he did. "Claire...I'm sorry.  I had a rough morning."  The dark eyes didn't waver in their glare, so he tried a smile.  He was good at smiles, especially sheepish ones. She melted almost visibly.  "It's OK, Jack.  I heard about Mrs. McCoy's call today."  Jack winced at that, wondering briefly how much of the shouting match the secretarial pool had evesdropped into.  "But, Bendel's guy has called four times now, and I've got a meeting in ten minutes with some cops about a warrant, and we've still got those two other open files for this afternoon...." "OK, OK!" Jack shook his head at the dismal recitation. "Apparently, I'm not the only one being run ragged this week. Why the hell did Jerry have to go on maternity leave this week, just weeks after Stone left?" "Jack," Claire gave an outraged cough-laugh that Jack was quickly coming to associate with her. "I doubt she planned it that way.  So, what do I tell Bendel?" "Tell him to wait.  We'll call him tomorrow morning, after my meeting with Judge Wilson.  And, Claire?  Let's see if one of us can get out of here before dusk tonight, OK?" They chuckled together, professional companionship restored-- for the moment. Then, Claire spun, waved, and left in a wake of billowing skirt. Jack watched her depart, smiling.  He'd hoped they'd become a team, and slowly they were fusing into one. Maybe, someday, they'd even be more. He turned that thought over in his mind speculatively for a moment, wondering briefly if Schiff would forgive him one more indiscretion, then turned his attention back to the mountain of paperwork before him. Only to realize twenty minutes later that he was missing the latest interview transcripts from the case before him. Frustrated all over again, he mentally tried to review what he could have done with them...had he taken them home? His bag?  Maybe Claire had copies.  Annoyed, he rose from his desk stiffly, and headed down the hall to find her.  Maybe, he'd ask her if she had any aspirin while he was there. He heard her voice coming out of one of the tiny conference rooms, and moved in that direction.  A male voice answered her, and suddenly Jack was surrounded by the sound of her laughter.  It was a beautiful laugh, not shrill or sharp, like those little coughing laughs she sometimes let escape in his company. This was rich, heady, and real.  He felt a flicker of something akin to annoyance, at the thought of someone else making her laugh that way, and sped up his steps. It wasn't until he entered the room that he realized why the male voice had sounded vaguely familiar. A tall, lean form spun towards him, close-cropped head swiveling to face him even as he felt the hair on his neck rising in recognition.  The laughter disappeared from the dark, long-lashed eyes as they focused on him. He suddenly realized that they weren't hazel, as he'd thought, but verdant green. He could almost feel the pressure drop around them, the world suddenly narrowing to the four feet between them.  His memory hadn't exagerrated, Jack realized, as he took in the tall, well-built frame, the pale smooth face, the plush, perfectly formed lips. Unwillingly, his eyes traced the strong chin and jaw down to where the path of smooth skin disappeared under a stiff shirt collar.  He'd tasted that skin, felt its softness against the hard muscles it covered.  His teeth had left their mark there--he'd seen the dark shadow against the pale flesh in the early dawn as the other man slept. Just a little to the right of the tie-knot. Was it still there? "Oh, Jack, it's a good thing you came by."  Claire's voice started him out of his reverie, and the small twitch he saw in the other man's face made him suspect that he wasn't the only one who'd temporarily lost touch with reality.  "This is Detective Logan, and Detective Briscoe.  They're from the 27th, and they used to work Stone's--" "We've met." Curt.  Almost harsh. So different from the warm, friendly stranger he'd picked up a few weeks ago.  That man's voice had been a mellow baritone, with laughter seeming to hide behind every word.  The detective before him was all business, coldly professional.  That glacial indifference triggered the frustrated anger that Jack had been battling all morning.  How dare he stride in here acting like they barely knew each other, when Jack still woke up regularly with the taste of him on his lips?  The pretentious bastard! "Yeah, we came by and introduced ourselves a while ago, Claire."  Briscoe finished smoothly.  Jack glanced at the older cop, and caught a small flicker of worry in the grey-blue eyes that betrayed his relaxed, friendly stance.  "We just dropped in to ask about the possibility of getting a search & seizure for this Moncton guy.  You know, the one who swears up and down and sideways that he has no idea how his ex-wife ended up dead in her bathtub." "I read your report," Jack shrugged dismissively.  Two could play this game.  "There's no probable cause to toss his place yet." "No probable cause?  How about twenty grand in alimony once a month?" So sharp, so hard. So different from the man Jack still dreamed about.  Who the hell was this belligerent stranger? "How about some actual evidence, Detective?  Or don't you guys believe in that sort of thing anymore?" The dark eyes widened, then flashed dangerously, and Jack realized that he'd been wrong again.  Not hazel, not green, but pitch black.   A surge of adrenalin through his system made his body temperature skyrocket as he watched his words impact, watched the man's long frame stiffen in a way that was a darker, but no less heady version of the way it had stiffened under his touch in a shower not so long ago. "OK, I think we've got our answer."  Jack's view was quickly obstructed by Briscoe's rumpled suit, and he couldn't completely restrain a bitter smile at the unconscious way that the older man was shielding his younger partner. It was tempting to make a crack about `Detective Logan' needing someone to defend his dubious virtue, but he knew that he'd pushed about as far as he could without getting into serious trouble. "C'mon, Mike.  We'll come back when we find out what this evidence stuff is."  Briscoe pushed his partner towards the door briskly, his voice still easy despite the quick glare Jack received in passing.  "See ya later, Claire." Jack watched the cops' retreat down the hall through the door's glass pane, noting against his will how sinuously the tall one stalked, slightly ahead of his partner, his long leather jacket snapping around his legs.  As he watched, his anger melted away, leaving him with an odd emptiness--a sad, indefinable longing.  And more than a little embarrassment.  They were both grown men--this shouldn't be so hard. "Well, *that* went well." Jack had forgotten all about his assitant, along with the rest of the bustling world around him. He heard the sharp note in her voice clearly, though, and couldn't resist swinging into defense mode instinctively.  "They knew they didn't have enough for a warrant, the lazy bastards.  Next time, check out what they have before you let them waste your time." Claire stiffened in anger.  "I think I'm capable of deciding how to best manage my time, Mr. McCoy." "Not when you work under me." Matching glares clashed silently for a long moment across the tiny room. Finally, Jack broke the staring match. "I thought you said you had things to do, Ms. Kincaid.  You'd better hurry, because I'm expecting your report on the Munoz case by 3:00pm today." She stalked out, nearly as graceful as the cop who'd preceeded her just minutes ago.  Jack steamed a moment longer, then sighed tiredly.  How many other bridges would he burn before the day was over? `Now, all I need is another reaming from Schiff, just to make my day complete.' He dragged himself back to his office, slumping into his chair with a groan.  He glared at the papers before him unseeingly for several minutes longer, before he gave up and reached for the dark bottle in his bottom drawer. * * * It was well past sundown before Jack locked his office door. Even the janitors had already made the rounds by the time he packed up and headed for the elevators.  The scotch he'd been sampling all day to help him focus was beginning to catch up with him, and he dozed lightly in the elevator until the sudden jolt as it stopped woke him. Wearily, he made his way through the underground parking lot to his motorcycle. His bag was overstuffed to the point where he knew that it would overbalance the bike considerably--it would be a constant struggle not to keel over as he turned.  He tied the satchel straps securely around the bag, wondering aimlessly if it would be safer to tie it to the seat behind him. He stroked the black leather of the seat thoughtfully.  Japanese bikes didn't have much seatroom--just enough for two average Asian males. Or, enough for one slight American D.A. and a lean, well-built New York cop.  If they pressed close. He shook himself violently.  Damn, damn, damn, damn.  He had to snap out of this ridiculous schoolboy's crush soon, before he got himself in real trouble.  For godsakes, it wasn't like this was the first time he'd picked up a stray.  And, some of those encounters had developed into more than a one night stand. Hell, he'd even become friends with some of them.  But, none of them had ever haunted him like this.  None had ever lingered for weeks after the fact at the periphery of his mind like some sort of ghost. He kickstarted the engine with a little more force than necessary, and pulled out of the bowels of the parking lot a little faster than usual. When he roared out of the building and onto the main street, the rushing wind around him cleared his mind far better than any scotch ever could.  By the time he reached the main intersection, he was grinning, and his mind was blissfully clear. He decided on the scenic route home, zigzagging his way down numerous commercial and residential streets.   He'd lived in this city for over two decades now, and there were still new cul-de-sacs and alcoves to discover in every neighbourhood. Often, he'd spend half the night cruising the never-still streets, losing the day's multitude of frustrations in the roar of the powerful engine beneath him and the dizzy spiral of life around him. It was perhaps the closest thing he'd ever found to peace. This night, however, that peace was disturbed when about an hour later, he noted a familiar street sign.  He stopped, taking a moment to orient himself, then cursed his traitorous subconscious.  Somehow, he'd ended up just two blocks south of a certain detective's apartment building.  It seemed almost surreal--he'd barely been able to see the street that night, the rain reducing everything to a blurry impressionistic painting. Tonight, the wind was high and sharp, the sky was clear, and a robust full moon lit the whole street a luminous silver.  But, he recognized the small park, the tidy little storefronts, the children's schoolyard, and several other landmarks that he'd zoomed by on another night in another universe, with a hard, broad chest nuzzling against his back in search of warmth, and a friendly voice giving directions against his cheek. He should go.  He should turn the bike around and head home. For Christ's sake, it was past midnight.  He had a nine o'clock meeting with Judge Wilson, and was booked solid after that.  He should just let this go...wait until the situation went away on its own.  Maybe stop for a drink at O'Ryan's on the way home. Moments later, he was heading south and cursing himself with every inch he travelled.  He easily found his way back to the familiar four-story red brick building, neat and well-kept like the rest of the street.  New York was full of old neighbourhoods like this.  Twenty minutes south was a lush commercial district full of couturier shops and expensive cafes.  Twenty minutes north was a seedy area full of empty, dilapidated warehouses and rent-controlled apartments.  And, right smack in the middle, this safe, tidy residential area had somehow managed to survive the last three decades intact.  He wondered briefly how a bachelor cop ended up here. He'd heard about Det. Logan--a few seemingly casual words to his secretary, and he'd gotten the full resume, complete with a list of the roving cop's latest conquests in the Hogan building alone.  Impressive, indeed.  He would have expected someone like that to live somewhere that reflected his lifestyle--a seedy fourth floor walk-up on the lower east side, or maybe a tiny bachelor pad over a bar in SoHo. Then again, Jack himself lived in a tiny brownstone in Gramercy, and regularly jogged around nannies with strollers on week-ends.  And, he *knew* what the secretarial pool said about *him*. Leaving his bike on the curb, Jack entered the building, sighing in unconscious relief as the warmth of good central heating replaced the night's sharp winds.   He chuckled when he saw the pretty antique stained glass front door reinforced by a very modern heavy plexiglass shield door. Safe and tidy this neighbourhood may be, but this was still New York.  He felt a moment's insecurity as he moved to the equally modern looking intercom panel.  What exactly was he going to say?  He still wasn't sure why he was here to begin with, although he'd managed to nearly convince himself that he was here to try to make amends.  Yeah.  Right. He found the name "Logan" easily, next to a number.   Before he could hesitate, he quickly typed in the three digits, and waited tensely.  Maybe, he wouldn't be home. Probably, he'd be asleep. Hopefully, he'd just ignore it. "Yeah?" Jack flinched slightly.  The echo across the speaker didn't diminish the rich baritone in the least, and he was suddenly transported back again to that rain-slicked night, hearing that same breathy voice coming out of the background of traffic sounds and rain. "Who is it?  Lisa?  I told you I wasn't interested.  Go home, for godsakes." Jack froze. He could still walk away.  Logan would just think it was Lisa, whoever the hell that was.  No harm done, right? "It's me." Jack was as surprised as any to hear the words fall from his lips at last. The intercom went dead silent for what felt like an eternity.  Jack was ready to speak again, if only to break the suddenly oppresive silence, when the too-familiar voice returned, the previous impatience completely replaced by astonishment. "McCoy?" "Yes."  Jack took a deep breath.  "Look, I...we need to talk." Silence. "Can I come up?" Another long stretch of silence.  Just as Jack felt his patience nearing its end, the plexiglass door unlocked with a loud click. "You know the way." Jack didn't bother to answer, swinging open the heavy door before it relocked.  Of course, he knew the way.  That whole night was permanently etched into his mind.  He climbed the carpeted stairs slowly, trying to figure out what exactly he'd say when he reached his destination.  Too soon, he reached the fourth floor landing, and headed towards the furthest of the four doors.  Before he could knock, the door opened, releasing a puddle of yellow light into the dark corridor.  A tall, familiar figure stood framed by the light, wearing equally familiar sweats.  The heavy dark locks were disheveled, falling over the high, smooth forehead.  Dark amber eyes framed by lashes as thick and black as his hair peered at Jack with an odd mix of wariness and curiosity. "Hi."  Jack's sheepish smile that had worked so well on Claire had far less effect on Logan.  All he got was a nod, and a gesture to enter.  He did, glancing around the apartment he'd barely seen last time.  Last time, they'd both been far too occupied.  It was surprisingly nice, managing to look comfortable and attractive at the same time.  The living room was shadowed in darkness, but he could make out a very cozy looking leather sofa, two overstuffed armchairs, and a decent TV and stereo system.  A heavy afgan tossed over the back of one of the chairs, and several scattered books gave the otherwise tidy place a lived in look.  Jack knew from previous experience that the bathroom and kitchen, at least, were almost fastidiously clean.  Not much of a bachelor's den of iniquity. "Want a beer?" Jack barely kept himself from flinching as the voice that had haunted his nights for the past few weeks came from behind him. He watched as Logan moved towards the kitchen without a backwards glance, hesitating.  What the *hell* was he doing here?! Sighing to himself, he decided that it was time to find out. He followed the other man into the kitchen.  "No, thanks. I've had more scotch than I should've already." The expressive dark eyebrows rose at that, and Jack wondered at his sudden inability to think before he spoke.   Hoping to change the subject, he glanced around the familiar kitchen, taking in the neat counters, empty sink, and carefully stacked dish rack.  In stark contrast, the table was covered with an explosion of papers and notepads.  "Working late?" Logan shrugged as he picked up his half-full mug from the midst of the paper, then leaned against a counter. Jack wondered briefly if he was even aware of how he looked in that thin t-shirt and low-hanging drawstring sweats.  Probably, the bastard was *very* aware.  "Too cold to jog." "I thought you'd be asleep." That produced a reaction--the heavy brows drew down into a frown. "What do you want, McCoy?" `Good question.'  Jack eyed the other man reluctantly.  He knew what he should say--he just wasn't sure he wanted to.  He wasn't good at apologies--not sincere ones, at least.  And, quite frankly, he didn't WANT to give ground to this man. Something about the way he carried himself, the icy indifference that was a brittle cover for the volatile temper he'd caught a glimpse of in that conference room--it all enfuriated him even as it drew him near.  Detective Logan's combination of fire and ice was a mixture that both repulsed and attracted him to the point where he'd felt nearly nauseous at the conflict long after he returned to his desk. But now, hours later, in the clear moonlight streaming through the kitchen blinds, Jack could see the other man--the one he'd met on a wet night, and whose memory had been burned into his consciousness since--peeking out around the edges of Detective Logan.  Maybe it was the sweatpants.  Or the mussed hair falling over his forehead.  Whatever it was, the possibility of maybe seeing that man one more time gave Jack the incentive to say the words he'd been rehearsing since he pulled up in front of the apartment building. "Look, Detective.  I...I just came to say that I admit that I was out of line today.  I'd had a rough day, and...well...I realize that things can be awkward..."  He stumbled to a halt, feeling the first embers of anger spark and glow.  The bastard hadn't even blinked during his forced admission. "This is the part where you say you're sorry, too." The small mouth curled into a tight grin that didn't reach the amber eyes. "It is?" "Yes."  The goddamned jerk was enjoying this.  What the hell had he been thinking?  He'd been told what an asshole Logan could be. "What if I don't want to apologize?"  The smile grew a fraction, and Jack felt himself flush with rage.  He was about to unleash a most unapologetic tirade and storm out of there, never to return, when the breathy baritone interrupted his plans.  "What if I offer something else instead?" Jack hesitated, puzzlement damping some of his fury.  He scanned the other man's face carefully, taking in the sly smile and subtly arrogant stance. But, the eyes made him hesitate.... they were warmer, the color of old cognac.  Just like he remembered. "What are you talking about, Logan?" "How about what you really came here for?" Jack paled, then felt his body temperature skyrocket.  Too furious for words, he spun and headed for the door.  He had nearly reached it when he felt a hand grip his arm.  He twisted with a snarl, enraged and humiliated enough to lash out physically, regardless of the fact that he knew himself to be outweighed by several pounds. But, the sharp arrogance had faded from Mike's elegantly planed face, seemingly real contrition softening it.  Once again, some strange metamorphosis had taken place, and that other man stood before him, looking boyishly repentant.  The change would probably have made Jack dizzy, if he wasn't so damned mad. "Let go of me, you son of a bitch, or you're going to be picking that arm off the street below." "Wait...McCoy...I'm sorry."  Jack watched, fascinated despite himself, as Logan's previously haughty expression became pleading.  When Jack didn't move, he pulled his hand away, then sighed explosively.  "Shit."  Long fingers ran carelessly through dark hair, standing much of the shortly cut mop on end. The cognac-coloured eyes were no longer cognac--they were a soft hazy green.  Was this the same guy who'd just blown Jack off with a few words and a cool grin five seconds ago?  Jack wished the other man would stop changing on him--just when he thought he'd figured Logan out, the guy warped into someone else. "McCoy...I'm sorry about...back there.  And I'm sorry about losing it at Hogan Place today.  It's just that..."  It was Logan's turn to run out of words halfway.  He shook his head with a weary laugh.  "Let's just say that finding out that my latest one night stand was the new EADA I'd be working with was-- unexpected." "No shit," Jack grumbled, his anger mostly pretense.  He was too intrigued by this kinder, gentler Logan to take much notice of his previous rage. "Yeah."  That laugh again--a little less tired this time.  "I guess it was a shock all around.  Ironic, really." Jack wondered momentarily what was ironic about the whole mess, but the sudden familiar smile that spread across Mike Logan's face a moment later swept the question away from his mind--along with a good chunk of his coherence. The green eyes danced mischieviously, and Jack flashed back momentarily to that shower just down the hall. Logan held out his hand, as if they were just being introduced.  "Hi.  I'm Mike Logan.  Pleased ta meet `cha." Jack grinned despite himself--that bright smile was impossibly infectuous. "Hi, Mike.  I'm Jack."  He took the proferred hand with a chuckle.  The skin beneath his grip was warm and smooth--like the rest of the body that went with it, as Jack already knew.   Were men supposed to have skin that soft and smooth?  It seemed oddly dichotomous, in someone who was otherwise so very *male*.  But, as Jack stared hypnotically at the  perfect ripples that tugged across the smooth white cheeks as Mike grinned, he decided that the overall effect was nice. Very nice. Suddenly, Jack felt an all-too-familiar rush as heat began to pool somewhere below his belt.  He flushed, mortified.  For godsakes, couldn't he be in the guy's presence for more than five minutes without either his body or his temper betraying him? Furious with himself, he tried to pull away--but, the grip around his fingers tightened.  He looked up again...and was momentarily captured in those eyes again.  Like a fly in amber. He saw invitation in them as clearly as he'd seen it on that other night.  And just like last time, he couldn't resist. Later, he couldn't remember having moved, nor could he remember any words that might have been spoken.  All Jack knew for sure was that one moment he was embarrased and furious, and the next, he was thinking that he didn't remember those lips being quite so hot as they pressed against his. But, this smooth, arching neck that tasted so damned good--oh, *that* he remembered.  He traced the plush, now-wet lips with his tongue, memorizing their borders, then followed their perfect bow till they gave way to cheek, soft flesh suddenly becoming rough stubble.  He made his way across the high arched cheekbone, coming finally to the baby soft thin skin just in front of Mike's ear.  Then down, along the strong chin, only to plunge lower still. He tracked the supple-firm muscles with his teeth, his teasing nips producing a spasm as the man in his grip gasped and swallowed.  Finally, he reached that lovely hollow at the base of Logan's neck, that cup of flesh that had been haunting him for weeks.  With a triumphant chuckle, he kissed it gently, then latched on for dear life. The long body beneath him arched into him as he alternated bites and kisses in an odd mix of gentleness and ferocity.  He threw his weight forward, pinning the heavier man against the counter.  He felt Mike resist instinctively, then slowly relax against him, sending fireworks across Jack's nervous system as he did.  Oh, God...Logan had been right.  *THIS* was why he'd come here. *THIS* is what he'd been working himself up to for days.  Not some half-assed apology, or "let's work together" bullshit.  Just this. Jack suddenly realized that his access to the smooth sharp-tasting skin was severely hampered by the t-shirt, even though it was thin enough for him to feel the other man's body heat flush against him. Annoyed at the obstacle and impatient from his weeks-long wait, he yanked roughly at the light fabric, pulling it up sharply to expose acres more of that tantalizing flesh. He felt the chest against his lips rumble with a chuckle at his efforts, sparking his latent frustration again.  With a ruthless jerk, he tore the shirt up and over Mike's head, heedless as the other man tried not to get strangled as he did.  He heard a warning cry and a crash, followed by an exclamation of "my coffee!", but he was far too busy devouring the firm expanse of chest before him to even bother looking up.  Intent on tasting every inch of the satiny skin, he started at a smooth, rounded shoulder and worked his way along systematically.  He was peripherally aware of hands pulling at his clothes, tangling annoyingly in the folds of his sweater.  He considered stopping to help, but just then his lips encountered a firm, puckered nipple, and he suddenly found himself very distracted. Jack was rewarded with a barely muffled cry as he dragged his tongue and teeth across the sensitized nub, pressing into the reddened flesh hard enough to leave indentations.  It was his turn to chuckle as he blew a cool breeze across the raw, wet skin and felt a shudder run down the whole length of the body pinned beneath him.  He felt the hands that had been fighting with his clothes move up to cup his head, burrowing in his hair and pulling up sharply until he had to follow their directives.  He had a moment's view of heavy-lidded molten-amber eyes, and then he was being devoured again by that ravenous mouth. He felt the rest of the world melt and slide away as he drowned in the impossible heat of the other man's mouth.   Mike's tongue danced against his brazenly, delving deeper and deeper within him as the large hands cupping his head pressed him closer and closer.  Jack quickly lost himself in the younger man's sweltering kiss.  The day's tensions, the week's frustrations, the month's deadlines--they all sloughed off of him, washing away the taut frustration that had been haunting him all day as they went.  He relaxed into the densely muscled body enfolding him, offering no resistance when strong arms tightened around him and moved him effortlessly across the kitchen floor to a conveniently nearby wall. It was disturbingly easy to let himself drown in Logan's embrace. Another heated kiss swept down on him, devouring him slowly and completely from the inside out as they remained locked together for what seemed like forever. When Mike finally pulled away, Jack gasped involuntarily, his oxygen-starved lungs trying to override his simmering lust's commands to latch back onto that sweet, plush mouth and never let go.  Molten amber eyes met his, full of silent promises that left Jack caught somewhere between anxiety and anticipation, and he suddenly found himself needing to lean on the wall behind him, his legs suddenly untrustworthy.  He watched, mesmerized, as those kiss-swollen lips moved temptingly, barely hearing the words they framed. "What do you want, Jack?  What.."  A kiss, as fleeting as the others had been all-consuming, brushed his cheek gently.  " you.."  Another one on the bridge of his nose.   "..want to do?" Jack leaned heavily against the cool wall behind him, vainly trying to focus enough for coherent speech.  Just then, a pink tongue licked the plush lips in a completely unselfconscious, predatory way that closed his throat in a near-painful swell of horrified anticipation.  Oh, God.  He'd never wanted anyone this badly, and if he weren't out of his skull with lust, he'd probably have been worried.  Speech having been rendered temporarily impossible, he decided on a more direct approach and slid his hand down the smooth, hard torso, following the thin line of fine black hair across the pale belly and into the bulging sweatpants to cup what would be his prize. Jack watched, fascinated, as heavy lashes fell and fluttered against pale, smooth cheeks and that pink tongue appeared again as the lush mouth parted in a gasp.  Curious to see what that beautiful, mobile face would do next, he ran his grip along the Mike's overheated length, delighting in the choked groan *that* produced.  When the inky lashes rose again, the liquid amber depths had hardened into fierce emerald, and Jack had a sudden flashing impression of primal forests and wild things living and dying in lush abandon far, far from this tidy moonlit kitchen in the middle of human civilization.  A rush of freedom and terror ran through him as he fell into their depths. He'd felt that rush once before--over a decade ago, when he reluctantly took his daughter to the Chicago Zoo, and suddenly found himself staring through heavy black bars at eyes just that shade of green.  And just that fierce. "What are you smiling at?"  Impatient hands wrestled with the buttons of Jack's fly. Jack chuckled, heedless of the heady danger he could almost scent surrounding him. "Tiger eyes."  His chuckle only grew at the puzzled, slightly exasperated look that earned him as Mike continued to struggle, unaided, with Jack's jeans. "You zonking out on me, Jack?"  The puzzlement was replaced with that same dangerously teasing glint as the last button slid open and strong, agile fingers suddenly enveloped Jack.  It was Mike's turn to smile as Jack's gasp reverberated across the room.  "This help you focus, Jack?" Jack writhed convulsively, twisting helplessly like a fish on a hook--until he remembered that he too had his hand in a convenient location.  Squeezing the heavy balls cupped in his palm gently, he broke the other man's intense concentration long enough to press their hips together tightly and begin a grinding thrust that soon carried Mike's deliberate teasing away into something far more purposeful.  They rocked together rhythmically, both lost in the heat of each other, until Mike broke away, gasping, the green eyes as intense as ever, but far more determined this time. "Jack..if that's what you want, we'd better move to the bedroom. Strangely enough, I don't keep condoms or lube in the kitchen." Very logical--pity that Jack was well beyond logic at that point. Blissfully ignoring the other man's attempts to guide him towards the far too distant bedroom, he returned to his abandoned feasting on that smooth, muscled neck as his hands quickly pulled heavy cotton away to reveal firm rounded buttocks that he also remembered perfectly.  He hadn't imagined the small dimples where they swelled from the small of Mike's back.  Did he taste as good as Jack remembered, too?  Only one way to find out. "Jack...wait....oh, Jesus..." Ignoring the half-hearted protests, he sank to his knees, letting his tongue blaze a wet trail down from Mike's neck, dancing along the muscles of his chest and abdomen, till he finally reached his destination in a nest of dark, fragrant curls.  Without preamble, he swallowed Mike's length thirstily.  Oh, yes.  Just like he remembered.  Tangy, sweet, rich. He heard someone calling his name hoarsely from somewhere up above him, but was too busy to pay any mind. Of the wide and varied forms of sex Jack had indulged in throughout his life, this remained his absolute favorite.  There was nothing quite like holding a man in your mouth, learning his signature taste and texture even as your tongue trapped him somewhere between heaven and hell. Even though it was you on your knees before him, it was *he* that was at *your* mercy, often much to his surprise.  And when that man was someone like Detective Michael Logan...well, that just made the whole thing that much sweeter.  He couldn't resist a small chuckle as he traced the soft spheres in their sack, producing a violent shudder along the powerful thighs under his grip. 'Talk about having the tiger by the tail....' But, like all their ilk, this tiger was unpredictable at best.  Strong hands suddenly gripped Jack's shoulders in a near-painful hold and dragged him swiftly to his feet.  He had one glance of Mike's sweat-sheened, moonlit face, and then he was spun around roughly and bent over the kitchen counter, Mike's powerful, heated body covering his. He shuddered as sharp teeth nipped his right ear. "Stay right fucking there."  The hissed words were as sharp as the teeth that had preceeded them, and even Jack didn't dare disobey.  He froze in place, filled with that now-familiar mix of dread and longing, not even risking a turn of his head when the scorching body pressing into his back suddenly peeled away. He heard rattling and rustling somewhere to his left as he stood, trembling from the strain of remaining exactly how the forceful hands had placed him. A satisfied "Hah!" sounded in the direction of the rustling, followed by surprisingly soft footsteps. Then, it was Jack's turn to gasp a curse as slickened fingers traced down from the small of his back and deep into the crevice between his buttocks. "Oh, Christ...M..Mike..."  Jack pushed against the invading fingers. "Shh.  And, I didn't say you could move." Jack bit down on a whimper and tried to do as he was told as obviously expert fingers danced along the sensitive entrance to his body, opening him delicately even as sharp teeth nipped along his nape with playful ferocity. Despite his best intentions, though, he couldn't help but begin to rock slowly with their rhythmic caresses, nor could he suppress a grateful sigh as the fingers were finally replaced with Mike's cock.  He felt the heated head of it press against his buttock first, then move unerringly to its final destination, then press in smoothly. Bright, burning pain seared through him as Mike pushed his way into Jack's body in shallow, persistant strokes. Gradually, the pain was scalded away, letting the latent wave of raw pleasure rise to the fore. The thrusts deepened and quickened, until Jack felt Mike's body press flush against him again.  The other man stilled as soon as he was buried to the hilt in Jack's body. "You OK?" For a second, Jack was sure that he was being teased.  Here he was, riding the greatest sexual high he'd experienced since the seventies, at the mercy of a man he barely knew and had little reason to trust, and the guy wanted to know if he was 'OK'.  Jack wanted to laugh, to explain the absurdity of it all--but all he could produce was a gasping moan. Instead, he squeezed his internal muscles, bearing down around Mike's cock.  The startled yelp he heard behind him made him gasp out a laugh--*that* should convince Logan that everything was just peachy, and that he should fucking get on with it before Jack died of sexual frustration. His amusement was vaporized moments later when sharp teeth sank into his shoulder less than playfully.  He gasped and tried to pull away, only to find himself completely pinned by Mike's heavier frame.  Strong hands gripped his wrists and held them flat against the countertop.  He felt the bottom fall out of his stomach for the third time that night as the reality of the other man's physical strength and his own precarious position returned to him--but, before the anxiety could override his desire, Mike began to move again. Mike's thrusts were fast and deep this time, as reckless as he'd been cautious moments before...and Jack revelled in it.  A glowing sword of ectasy brimming into agony ran him through with every stroke, and he could hear his accelerated bloodflow roar through his head.  Jack moaned and twisted and bucked helplessly, the kaleidoscope of pleasure and pain robbing him of any remaining conscious thought.  One hand reached to grip his, while the other slid over his hip to close tightly around his painful erection, sending a bolt of lightning up his spine.  He tightened his grip on the long fingers intertwined with his own as the harsh sound of their gasping breaths surrounded them both. Even as he climbed higher and higher towards the precipice, a small chunk of Jack's mind noted how eventually, towards the end, even their breathing fell into synchrony, matching the rhythm of their joined bodies.  For one brief moment, Jack could feel Mike's body all around him, breathing with him, heart beating with his, and for a fraction of a second their union went well beyond the flesh, leaving the tiny part of him that was still capable of thought vaguely disturbed even as the rest of his body sang. And, then reality shattered around him as he fell off the peak into a pillow of ectasy.  Jack felt himself convulse spasmically over the counter, emptying himself into Mike's palm.  His involuntary contractions produced a violent shudder in the long, hard body pressed into him, and then he felt the cock deep within him spasm and jerk and erupt thickly.  A pained groan reverberated against the nape of his neck as the powerful muscles against his back bunched and jumped as Mike shook in the throes of his own orgasm. Slowly, slowly, the kitchen re-coalesced around them.  Aches and pains that had been previously lost in the maelstorm of ectasy began to surface, and Jack became aware of the hard countertop, the various cabinet drawer handles digging into his thighs, the sharp wooden ledge digging into his hips as Mike's considerable weight bore down on him. But, before he could even completely register all these tiny complaints, a warm, wet kiss was pressed into the sensitive flesh just below his right earlobe.  The hands that had pinned him ruthlessly in place minutes ago now stroked his trembling thighs with a gentle thoroughness that Jack remembered from their first encounter. Jack gasped, then sighed shudderingly as he felt Mike slip out of him carefully.  Limp, exhausted, he let himself be turned around and enveloped into strong arms, leaning wearily against the hard, lightly haired chest that he now knew for a fact tasted as good as it looked.  Jack smiled as more of those same warm moist kisses fell along his neck and cheek, letting them coat him thoroughly before he tilted his head up and looked into Mike's face. The chameleon eyes had changed again, to that familiar caramel-cognac colour that had haunted Jack's dreams for the past few weeks.   By far, his favorite--even over the tiger green. Thick, curving lashes framed them perfectly, reminding Jack of a mascara ad, and once again the dichotomy struck him between Mike's lush beauty and his otherwise overwhelming masculinity. The small creases at the corners of his objects of scrutiny finally made Jack realize that Mike was snickering.  He took in the mischievious grin, and became immediately suspicious. Exhilirated and exhausted, he was in no mood for whatever Mike was up to.  "What's so funny, Detective?" Mike broke into snickers again, surprisingly high and boyish, but regained himself enough for words at Jack's glare.  "E..Extra V..Virgin," he managed before dissolving into un-Logan-like giggles again.  Jack merely stared at him in perplexed annoyance until he continued.  "S'your own fault. Got me too excited.  Had to use what was handy...olive oil."  The boyish grin suddenly became a little less boyish, and Jack had a shivering flashback of green eyes and predator sharp teeth.  "I only use Extra Virgin." Jack blinked, then glanced around the moonlit kitchen, quickly spotting the open pantry door, and the clear glass bottle standing open among scattered cereal boxes.  He chuckled despite himself.  "Admirably quick thinking, Detective." "Thank you, Counselor.  At the NYPD, we learn to use whatever's at hand in a crisis."  Jack gasped as one of said hands squeezed his buttock playfully. He batted it away irritably even as the moist kisses began again at his temple. "Jesus, Mike!  Give it a rest, already.  I'm tired." Another snicker vibrated against the sensitive skin of his temple. "Old man." Then, it was Mike's turn to gasp in startlement as a not-so-gentle slap stung his own butt and long fingers tightened in his hair, pulling his head back to arch his neck. "Don't even try it, brat.  I was playing this game well before you even hit the cradle."  Jack demonstrated his point by returning to his favorite hollow at the base of Mike's neck, licking and nipping expertly, tantalizing the already purpling flesh until he felt the throat beneath his lips gasp and shudder.  When he pulled away, Mike's playful smile had developed a sharp edge--a jungle cat in a frisky mood. "Ok, Sir, Mr. Powerful DA, Sir.  But, before I let you into my bed, we're both gonna need a shower.  I don't want to get olive oil on the sheets--even if it *is* Extra Virgin." Jack was about to repeat emphatically that he was not interested, that he was tired, that he'd drunk too much scotch today and that he needed to sleep--until Mike pressed his already re-heating body flush against his, rubbing himself with lush abandon against Jack.  And, at the first brush of that smooth, soft skin covering hard, roping muscle, Jack's own body betrayed him, rising traitorously to the bait. With a sigh, Jack gave up any hope of sleep in the near future, and pulled Mike into his arms. * * * Jack's internal alarm clock woke him at 5:00am precisely. Groggy from less than three hours sleep, he didn't immediately remember where he was.  It certainly wasn't the first time he'd woken up in a strange bedroom, though, and he glanced around calmly, re-orienting himself. Moonlight glazed the stucco ceiling into a silver landscape, shimmering through a pretty stained-glass lamp hanging above the bed, but leaving the rest of the room in blue-grey shadow. Various delicious aches and pains brought back the evening's events in full. Something heavy and warm was lying across his chest and along his left side.  Jack glanced down, and caught his breath. The moonlight cast Mike's body into shining ivory, the silver light outlining every muscular curve smoothly, and Jack was reminded of cool, marble Greek statues dedicated to the beauty of the idealized male body. Except that this particular statue was warm, breathing, and wrapped around Jack.  Glossy dark hair tickled Jack's chest, and he could see the shadows of long lashes resting on pale cheeks.  Unable to resist, Jack ran a hand through the thick, freshly showered hair, smelling the shampoo he himself had lathered into that heavy mop.  Then, his hand trailed down to the smooth skin along Mike's shoulder. So soft against the hard, strong muscles beneath.  Like satin covering steel cabling.  Mike didn't stir, but slept on deeply. Jack luxuriated in the heady warmth a little longer, feeling an alien, drowsy lethargy fall upon him. Usually, he was up and running full speed from the moment he woke, his head filling with lists of deadlines and case objectives even as he threw off the covers.  But, today, reality took its time settling on him, leaving him in a hazy half-awake limbo that was surprisinly nice. And, when he finally came to his senses and shook off the last remnants of sleep, he felt an odd sense of regret, and for a flickering moment found himself wondering if he could get away with calling in sick. `For godsakes, get a grip,' he scolded himself sternly.  `There's a mountain of crap in my inbox and half a dozen meetings already set up for today.  And, I still have to go home and change before my meeting with Judge Wilson.'  His body, however, was still feeling traitorous, and it was surprisingly hard to get up the drive to slide out from under Mike's limp weight. The younger man only sighed in his sleep, then moved into the warmth left behind by Jack's body, and settled back into deep slumber.  Jack smiled at that, and unconsciously moved to brush stray bangs back from Mike's sleeping face. That same strange warm haze began to settle on him again as he listened to Mike's quiet, even breaths, and he wasted another ten minutes in La-La Land before returning to his senses once more. Shaking himself roughly, he got up and headed for the bathroom. When he emerged five minutes later, having finally located all his clothes, Jack was back to normal, awake and productive. He had another twenty minutes to spare before he had to start off home, so he moved towards the kitchen.   He stepped over the remains of a smashed coffee mug, wondering idly how that happened, then started hunting through cupboards and the fridge. He remembered from last time where the coffee was, and immediately started a pot brewing.  The fridge, however, was a bust, as were most of the cupboards.  All he found edible were two cartons of take-out chinese food of uncertain age, several boxes of dried cereal, a few fruits and vegetables, two eggs...and a familiar half-empty bottle of olive oil.  Apparently, Detective Logan wasn't into cooking. Jack sighed, then decided that he was hungry enough to make the effort.  He hated dry cereal.  After another search, he located an ancient frying pan, a kitchen knife, and a whisk.  Pulling out the eggs and vegetables, he decided that he had enough for two omelettes--barely. He was in the midst of carefully dropping the first egg's contents into the pan, having finally figured out the antiquated stove, when a phone rang softly right next to him. He jumped, and barely stopped himself from answering it instinctively. `Now, that would've been fun to explain.'  Jack chuckled softly to himself. `"Hello, Detective Briscoe.  No, I'm afraid your partner's still asleep. See, we were screwing like rabbits until 2:00am last night, and he's still a little tired."  Right.' On the third muted ring, the answering machine kicked in.  The machine was set to speaker, and Mike's smooth baritone, in cool cop mode, filled the tiny kitchen. "Either I'm not here, or I've got better things to do.  You know the drill." Jack couldn't suppress a bitter smile at the message.  Detective Logan could certainly be an asshole when he wanted to be. How many unsuspecting telemarketers had hung up as soon as they heard that bored, annoyed `don't waste my time, you prick' missive?  How many unsuspecting one-night-stands? The voice that followed shocked Jack out of that grim train of thought violently. "Mike?  Pick up if you're there.  If you're not, I hope to God it's because you're finally sleeping...but, more likely, you're out jogging in the cold again, you dummy." Jack stared at the answering machine, stunned, as Dr. Elizabeth Olivet's exasperated sigh echoed out of it.  He'd worked with Dr. Olivet before on several cases, and had even made a pass once upon a time.  Hell, she was gorgeous, young, brilliant--Jack's favorite flavour of females.  She'd brushed him off firmly, politely. Thanks, but no thanks.  Looks like she preferred cops.  He felt a flicker of competitive jealousy, then realized to his dismay that he wasn't certain which of the two he was jealous of. "Look.  Mike.  Don't freak out, but...Lennie called me. He told me what's going on.  Don't get angry!  He's just worried.  We both are.  Listen, Mike, it's only been five weeks since...since the breakup.  You've been angry and restless since then, and I don't think you've gotten a full night's sleep in months." Jack listened in shocked silence as glacially cool Olivet pleaded worriedly with the answering machine.  It didn't seem like the tone a girlfriend would use.  Could it be that Mike had managed the impossible?  A platonic friendship with a beautiful woman? He suddenly remembered Claire Kincaid's warm, affectionate laughter and fierce defense of her cop pals, and began to suspect that this was indeed possible for Logan.  Who'd have thought it of the NYDP's most notorious playboy?  He diced vegetables automatically as he listened raptly to Olivet's soft voice. "I know that sex has always been a way of dealing with things like this for you, Mike.  But, I think things may not be the way you expect this time. Please, Mikey," Jack nearly dropped the knife at the intimate nickname. "I'm asking you, as a therapist and as your friend, to please, please, PLEASE be careful.  And, don't get angry with Lennie.  We just don't want to see you hurt again.  Okay?"  Another sigh, this one far more weary and worried.  "You have this amazing ability to put up walls and box yourself in when you can least afford to.  We're here, Mike.  Just remember that.  And, start taking those sleeping pills, damn it. Insomnia is not just a minor annoyance to be ignored, like a common cold.  God, you're so damned stubborn!"  A soft chuckle, affectionate and exasperated again.  "Is that another one of your `Irish tendencies', like your inability to buy decent ties or drink anything but Guinness?  Thank God I'm of French descent.  And, you still owe me that dinner at Cafe Bruges, by the way.  Call me, OK?  I mean it.  Bye, Mike." Jack carefully scraped the second omelette, fluffy and intact, onto the clean plates he'd found on the dishrack as the machine whirred and clicked and fell silent.  He moved around the kitchen on automatic pilot as a thousand questions blazed through his mind.   Logan and Olivet as an item?  As therapist and patient?  As friends?  No, as close friends.  Close enough to call before dawn to see how you were doing, to make sure you were sleeping, to harangue you about your taste in men. For Jack was certain that it was *himself* that Olivet was warning Logan about. Perhaps, she'd been more resentful of his one attempt than he thought.  Perhaps, she was worried about her friend being taken advantage of by the lecherous Jack McCoy.  Now, *that* was a laugh, considering that Mike got around far more than he did. How did the guy manage to get away with that, and STILL stay friends with the women around him? That had always been Jack's problem.  Men were so much better at understanding the need for diversity in bedmates.  That's why they were so much better at casual sex. Speaking of which, it would seem that both Olivet and Briscoe were aware of the fact that Mike swung both ways.  Usually, that fact alone was enough to make you into a pariah, especially in an organization as patriarchial as the NYPD--or the DA, for that matter. Should Jack be worried?  Would Briscoe and/or Olivet try to use their knowledge of Jack's sex life to intimidate him in the future? Surely, they wouldn't risk exposing Mike that way...right? And, what about this `breakup'?  It sounded like Mike was in a Relationship, with a capital "R", and that said Relationship busted up.  And that he was upset by it enough to have trouble sleeping.  Jack suddenly remembered the first time he'd seen Mike, a cold, wet stranger who'd gone jogging in freezing rain for some crazy reason.  And, last night--he remembered Mike dressed in the same sweats, looking tense, surrounded by paperwork in the middle of the night. Jack ate his omelette, barely tasting it as he mused over the overheard phonecall.  He felt vaguely guilty for some unknown reason.  Certainly not for listening to a phonecall that wasn't his--Jack had no problem invading others' privacy if it served his needs.  But, still, there was something a little...scary...about being given a glimpse into the secret world of Michael Logan, a man whose body he knew intimately, but whose mind remained a stranger.  Maybe, that was the problem right there.  He knew too much about Mike to be just a casual fling, and he enjoyed sex together too much to just give it up cold, as these past few weeks had proven.  But, maybe, just maybe, they could become something more than just ships in the night. Aquaintances? Perhaps casual friends?  Jack finished his coffee, then placed his dish and mug in the sink and moved back towards the bedroom. Mike slept on, and Jack felt a wave of smug satisfaction at his peaceful face. `Not such a bad influence after all, Dr. Olivet.  Bet your sleeping pills couldn't do half as good a job.'  He moved to sit next to Mike on the bed, rubbing his back with gentle persistance that slowly increased in strength as Mike slept on. God, he was a deep sleeper!  Finally, a moan issued up from amidst the blankets, and Jack watched the long lashes flutter as Mike blinked and rolled over.   Sleepy amber eyes focused on him, then smiled even as a hand crept around Jack's waist. "Mmmorninnnn...." Jack grinned, strangely relieved that Mike was glad to see him still here. "Rise and shine, Detective."  He noted with amused satisfaction the darkening bruise against the pale skin at the base of Mike's throat--it looks like Detective Logan was going to need a high collar to cover up that hickey. He risked a kiss, and was pleased when it was returned with sleepy enthusiasm even as the arm tightened around his waist, trying to draw him down. "Mike, stop that--I've got to go.  I'm due in a Judge's office in three hours, and I still have to go home and change." "Mmmmm....crap...d'ya'hav'ta?" "'Fraid so.  Listen, sit up for a second.  I need to talk to you. C'mon, Mike."  He dragged a reluctant, limp Logan to a sitting position, waiting until the hazy eyes cleared of sleep a little more. "You awake?" "As much as I will be at five fucking thirty.  Shit."  Mike shot the bedside clock a dirty look, and Jack couldn't resist a smile. "You can go right back to sleep as soon as I'm done here, OK? Two things. First, I managed to scrounge enough together to make a decent breakfast, no thanks to your shopping skills. Coffee and omelette await in the kitchen." Jack felt a delicious shiver of pleasure at the surprised grin *that* produced.  Good, because the hard part came next.  "Second...Mike, I really enjoyed last night.  I get the feeling you did, too."  He watched carefully as the amber eyes became a little more guarded, a little more hesitant.  "I think we both scared the hell out of each other when we met that first morning at my office, and I think we've both been reacting to that ever since.  But, it doesn't have to be this way.  If we're careful, this can work.  We're both reasonable adults, we both love our respective jobs, and we both like sex together.  There's no reason that all three of those things can't exist together.  I've managed to have friends that share both my workplace and my bed in the past." One dark, glossy eyebrow arched delicately.  "Yeah.  So I've heard. Claire told me about your in-office batting average.  The thing is, Jack, how many of those women could you work with once the sex was over?" Jack sighed, took a deep breath, then plunged on.  "Claire, like everyone else in that damned building, only knows part of the story.  Wanna know how many co-workers I've slept with? About seventeen--most of whom were male. Guys Claire and the secretarial pool never suspected.  Guys I still share cases with.  It's different with men, Mike.  We understand the need for casual sexual relationships.  We don't need to romanticise them. We can be friends who happen to work together and happen to have sex.  Surely, you've done something like this before with another guy." Mike regarded him thoughtfully for a long, silent moment, then smiled slowly.  "Yeah.  Haven't had a fuck buddy since college, though.  It'll be weird having one again." Jack laughed, more out of relief than anything else.  Mike understood.  It could work--just friends, who happened to have sex once in a while.  Simple, easy.  "I think I prefer the term `friend' to `fuck buddy', but I'm flexible."  They chuckled together, sharing a moment of silent ease that boded well for their future friendship.  Then, because he couldn't resist, Jack ran his hand through the thick silken mop of hair once more, hoping the scent of shampoo and Mike would linger on his fingers for a few hours at least.  "So, you'll call?" "Count on it, Counselor." The End (December 1997)